Artificial intelligence. The future is already here
For years we have been wondering what changes would occur if each interaction with technology were intelligent.
The answers have now become part of our present day reality and we can simply affirm that Artificial Intelligence represents an aggregate of technologies (from machine learning to natural language processing) that make it possible for machines to be “instructed” in order to achieve a targeted action.
The future of such technology heralds a new era where human ingenuity is amplified by the speed and precision of machines, transforming the relationship between people and technology and enhancing creativity and ability.
Artificial Intelligence has all the characteristics to become the greatest technological revolution in history; it represents a completely new production factor bound to determine significant growth in business, bringing automation to areas that used to be the exclusive domain of man through the creation of important tools to support decision-making skills and spread innovation throughout the entire society.
Current Artificial Intelligence applications can take advantage of the almost unlimited computing power of the cloud and the trend of chips designed for specific tasks, which is currently expanding especially in the analytics sector, thus enabling even higher levels of efficiency and calculation speed. It represents a combination of several rapidly evolving technologies which, taken altogether, allow machines to act with levels of intelligence seemingly similar to human intelligence.
Benefind has long established its own task force for the development of projects that exploit Artificial Intelligence. In particular, the team works in partnership with the University of Siena, making use, in particular, of the computing infrastructures made available by the Department of Information Engineering and Mathematical Sciences of Siena.

New challenges for the near future